Management system for loyalty cards

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The loyalty system is a special marketing program to increase repeat sales to existing customers from such facilities as restaurants, hotels, fitness centers and so on. This system provides an increase in customer discounts as they use the services of the above-mentioned enterprises and on the basis of this receives bonus points.

The loyalty card management system, developed by GTS, has the following features and capabilities:

  • Portal for system management
  • Portal for employees of the object
  • Customer portal for commercial object
  • Development of a public website
  • Implementation of integration system with commercial facility management departments
  • Regular customer tracking system

The system works according to the following principle:

  • After purchasing the bonus card, the client receives a certain discount on all services of the enterprises that are connected to this project;
  • On the basis of the established rules, the client receives cumulative points as the card is used;
  • Earned points are converted into percentages for discounts. 

Result: This software creates the conditions for tracking customer behavior. The installed database stores all personal and contact information, as well as purchase history. In the research of data on purchases with the help of the implemented system, it is possible to identify those goods and services in which the client is most interested. Based on the established rules, the system identifies regular users, who are entered by the Manager in the appropriate list of customers.